We care for the environment at every stage of production

All you need to do is read magazines about fashion, watch videos on youtube, keep yourself updated on social media, and of course also shop online!

We make sure that our clothes are ecological. We design clothes that mark the market. We make clothes for the market.

With the new fashion trends.

We use eco-friendly materials, sustainable fabrics, recycled material. We make sure that the supply chain is sustainable.

Best quality materials

We weave the cloth, make up the patterns and bring the final product to life.

100% ECO

We, in partnership with the Green Fashion initiative from the Department of Design and Fashion Technology

We design clothes that we want to wear ourselves

Aliquam tincidunt augue sit amet sapien placerat, pretium luctus arcu blandit. Fusce commodo diam mauris, vel finibus purus porta gravida. Mauris sollicitudin ipsum ac vehicula ultricies.

We place emphasis on the fact that the clothes last for years. We choose the best quality materials.

Aliquam tincidunt augue sit amet sapien placerat, pretium luctus arcu blandit. Fusce commodo diam mauris, vel finibus purus porta gravida. Mauris sollicitudin ipsum ac vehicula ultricies.

loobek in numbers

years of experience in
the clothing industry
+ 0
showrooms around
the world
+ 0 M
items of clothing
sold annually
0 %
customers recommend
our brand to their friends

“We make sure that our clothes are ecological. We design clothes that mark the market. We make clothes for the market.

Marc Cuban
CEO of Loobek

We make sure that our clothes are ecological. We design clothes that mark the market. We make clothes for the market.

The highest quality fabrics specially selected for you

We sew in such a way that the clothes are comfortable and will last for many years.

We create the fashion you want to wear

We are on instagram

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